Thursday, April 23, 2020

So it has been 5 years....

I always meant to keep up with blogging because it is such a release for me and something I truly enjoy. I got to share things I enjoyed and while I hoped others would read it, it was more of knowing it was out there that brought me joy. It also kept me more in line with my reading goals, trying new wines, different recipes, and pretty much just keeping me out of my comfort zone. I thought about the blog over the years, but man time sure does fly by. In that time I also thought about my two boy's getting older and both playing baseball, my oldest also playing water polo. I became a mom that wrapped her identity completely in her children's activities and honestly if you'd asked me anytime recently what I enjoyed doing, I'd say reading and change the topic.

This last rolling year has made me reevaluate a lot in my life and as lost as I feel right now, I have decided to start the blog up again and see where I evolve. These last twelve months have brought the deaths of two beloved pets that I had had since they were young, my grandmother's death to which I am still in immense pain over, and the straw to break the camel's mother's death a little over 3 weeks ago. I am broken and right now I do not know if it is beyond repair. My mom and I talked a couple times a week for often 2-3 hours at a time and I think that adjustment of not being able to call her has messed with my head more than anything. As I sit here right now, I have the inclination to pick up the phone because I know she'd be so happy to hear from me and interested in whatever I had to share. I'm 36 years old and I no longer have my mother.

Reflecting on that, it is also important to list what I do have because I AM grateful for that. I have my husband, my two wonderful boys, my sister, my dad, nieces, nephews, mother in law, my father in law, two sister in laws, a brother in law, a wonderful extended family, and a beyond incredible group of friends who keep my head above water just as I feel like I'm slipping under. Thank you for reading so far if you have and if you haven't I can't blame you lol....but I can tell you that this was my reintroduction post and that I am just going to jump back in. I have a lot of books to get back to reading and reviewing, new food and cocktail recipes I'd like to share with you, and some new wines that you just might enjoy! Stick with me....somehow, someway I will find myself again.