Friday, May 3, 2013

Wealth Warrior (my review)

I received a copy of “Wealth Warrior” to read and review from my online book club 12 books, which has been a great source of personal development, for me.  This book was a quick read and definitely a book that I will refer back to often for sources of inspiration.

I enjoyed that the chapters were smaller and with a lot of quotes to really help you grasp what the author was referring to. I absorbed a lot of information from reading this book; much in the regards of setting up your life so that you are constantly looking for ways to help and serve others. That really is the point of our existence and the only way that our society will survive and continue to prosper socially and in business.
The author Steve Chandler, writes with such an incredible passion for the message he is sharing, that it would almost be impossible to not attempt to absorb every message he shares.

 He shares many of the misfortunes that he himself has been through and in doing so; I believe he empowers every individual to know that it is possible for them as well to have a life of success. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will recommend this book to my friends and family. We can all use that push every now and then; and sometimes we happen to get caught up in other things, forgetting what our real message and goals in life are. 

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